sometimes you cannot clearly discern between anger and frustration. A.stereotype B.propaganda C.point of view
All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists A.steroetype B.propaganda C.point of view
"i felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace A.steroetype B.propaganda C.point of view
All Americans are generally considered to be friendly,generous,and tolerant,but also arrogant, impatient,and domineering. A.steroetype B.propaganda C point of view
Girls are not good at sports A.steroetype b.propaganda C.point if view
My opponent is a flip flop man who cannot make up his mind.He changes mind with breeze. A.Stereotype B.propaganda C.point of view
When the story is narrated from the perspective of "I" A.Steroetype B.propaganda C.point of view
refers to the perspective that the narrator holds in relation to the events of the story. A.stereotype B.propaganda C.point of view