true or false
1. In music, Interval refers to the distance between two given
notes or the difference in pitch between any two tones.
2. The pitch names EFAC is found in the space of the staff

3. The word "CABBAGE"identifies the pitch name on the
image shown below:
4. In music, Melody refers to the pleasing, recognizable
succession of tone in a song.
5. The sharp (#) gives a 12 higher tone while the flat ( ) sign
gives 1 1/2 lower tone.
6. Time signature refers to the group of sharp and flat written
at the beginning of the staff.
7. Diatonic scale is a musical scale composed of eight tones
arranged in successions in ascending or descending manner.
8. FACE is the pitch name we see in the line of the staff.
9. The lower "do" is found at the 1st line of the key of G Major.
10. The home tone of F Major is found at the 1st space.​