A. Read each statement or question below carefully and fill in the blank with the correct answer.

_________1. Who was known as the virtuoso pianist composer and the busiest musician during the Romantic Era?
_________2. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky became famous after composing the musical poem Fatum” and _________?
_________3. It is a verse form or narrative that is set to music? _________4. Who was considered as a composer who creates elegant music, neat, clean, polished, never excessive and an example of this is “The Swan”? _________5.Who was the most famous violin virtuoso in the world? B. Identify the composer of the given music piece.

Write your answer on the underlined space provided.
_______________1. Sonata _______________2. The Carnival of Venice
_______________3. Un Sospiro _______________4. Swan Lake _______________5. The Swan ​