1. What nutrient in milk is important for

cheese making?


A. water

C. protein

B. lactose

D. fat

2. What is the most common ingredient used to curdle the milk?

ronnit C. runnit

rennet D. rennet

3. Where does the rennet come from?

An extract of fungi

The eyeballs of milk fed calves C. It's made by bacteria

D. The stomach lining of milk fed calves.

4. When milk curdles it separates into two different components, they are and

A.rannit and water

B.protein and water

C.curds and whey

D.water and fat

5. Vinegar production consists of

A.aerobic fermentation

B.anaerobic fermentation C. aerobic fermentation followed by anaerobic fermentation

D. anaerobic fermentation followed by aerobic fermentation