In the track of the hurricane much damage was done. Fences and stone walls were blown down, and the stalks of Indian corn were bent over and broken off near the ground. Hay in the fields was suddenly whisked up, and scattered over adjoining territory for a mile away, being lost. As the wind increased in force many large apple and other kinds of trees were torn up by the roots ; in some instances enclosing animals in such a manner that they could not get away by their efforts alone, though they were not injured .A large portion of the roof of the church, and boards from tile roofs and sides of several other buildings were carried away. Several dwelling houses were shattered, and two or three buildings were entirely destroyed. In the space covered by the wind was a house, with a wing which was barricaded. The whirlwind swept down upon the wing with such violence that it was instantly demolished, three of its sides falling to the ground. Q. The first passage focuses more on the rain, whereas the second passage (a firsthand account) focuses on..
A.The windBoth the wind and destruction
B.Both the wind and destruction
C.The destruction
D.The water​