A. After exploring the amazing asteroid, comets, meteor, test yourself if you can differentiate the three: comets, meteor, and asteroid. B. Given below are some characteristics of comets, meteor, and asteroid. On the space provide, write.
A. if it refers to comets B. if it refers to meteors C. if it refers to asteroids D. both comets and meteors E. if it refers to both meteors and asteroids F. if it refers to both asteroids and comets G. if it refers to all (comets, mateors, and asteroid)
Characteristics: ___1. Progress across the sky very slowly ___2. Known as filling stars or shooting stars ___3. Remnants of the fomation of the solar system ___4. They glow as they enter the earth's atmosphere ___5. Reflect sunlight ___6. Rocky composition ___7. Orbit the sun in highly elliptical orbit's ___8. Minor planets ___9. Mostly found between Mars and Jupiter ___10. Can reach 150 million km in vc length ___11. Most have slightly elliptical orbit ___12. The result from collision of asteroids ___13. Streak across the sky very fast ___14. Come in all sizes and shapes ___15. Icy object