Defeoerickjohnviz Defeoerickjohnviz English Answered 1. Directions: Encircle the correct possessive pronoun inside the parenthesis to complete the sentence. 1. What is your yours) name? 2. Lino left (her, his) pencil case on the table. 3. Angelo submitted (his, her) modules on time. 4. The new red car outside the house is (her, hers) 5. The dog barking loudly is not ours but (Their, theirs) 6. Mother baked (my, mine) birthday cake last month. 7. Some of my books are missing, mayl borrow (your, yours)? 8. The company released the benefits to it, its) employees. 9. My dog, Choco, always wags (it, its) tail when I enter the room. 10.(Her, His) birthday was happy even if Ana didn't celebrate it with her friends.