31. A law known as RA 9162 prohibiting the use, handling, dispensing and selling of prohibited drugs harmful to the body? a. Child Proteaction Law b. Consumers Act c. Dangerous Drug Acty of 2002 d. Abuse of Women

32. Which describes drug abuse term? a. Excessive and habitual b. Minimal c. Moderate use 6. Exact use

33. What drug which slows down the Central Nervous System function? a. Stimulants b. Inhalants C. Depressant d. Naracotics

34. Which of the following is the high possible major cause of addiction? b. Family and School b. Community a. Curiosity/Friends and Peers c. Financial problem

35. In what way the inhalants like rugby/paint affects one body system? a. by smoking feeding C. intoxication blood/brain d. by eating

36. In what way one can prevent in indulging drug use or addiction? a. Go with Friends c. Sel control-behavior and attend Extra activities like sports b. Stay in the community d. Take foods for nutrition

37. Which of the following is the most abused stimulant drug which is also known as methamphetamine HO?? a. Marijuana b. Tobacco c Shaabu d. Cough Syrup

38. What addictive substance found in tobacco (Gate Away Drugs)? a. Alcohol b. Caffeine C. Nicotine d. Fume

39. A drug classification that relieves pain for cancer patients and has anaesthetic effect? a. Stimulants b. Depressants C. Narcotics d. Gateway drugs

40. Which of the following is an example of depressant drug which reduces feelings of tension of mind and anxiety? a. Cocaine b. Aspirin c. Tranquilizer d. Heroin ​