Learning Task 5: (G9 - English)
Arrange the events below based on how it happened in the epic Beowulf. Use numbers 1-10, and then write your answer on the space provide.
___ Grendel's mother avenged the death of her son through seducing Beowulf.
___ Beowulf became the Kin of the Danes.
___ Grendel attacked Heoret and had a face to face encounter with Beowulf.
___ Beowulf came to rescue the people of King Hrothgar.
___ Beowulf killed the fire belching dragon who happens to be his son.
___ The Danes were celebrating the completion of the Mead Hall.
___ King Hrothgar gave the golden horn to Beowulf as a reward for killing Grendel.
___ Grendel's mother got the golden horn from Beowulf
___ King Hrothgar comitted suicide.
___ Wiglaf became the king of the Danes

Someone please answer this, nd make ur answer clear for those needs help to answer their task too , Thank you! ​