Step by Step Explanation:
Fashion Magazine Layout
a. Headline
- the most important element of a magazine layout design. It can be of various sizes, but should be sent in a size bigger than the other text elements in the page. A headline should be interesting, and compelling enough as it increases the chances of an article to be read.
b. Introductory Paragraph
- also known as "intro" "kicker", "deck" or "stand-first", an introductory paragraph is the main piece of content that introduces a reader to an article.
c. Box copy / Panel
- this should be statistics or dates or anything factual in nature which is important to know and short in length. Such data is placed in a box to catch the attention of a reader. A box can have a dedicated heading as well.
News Magazine Layout
a. Body / Body text / Body copy
- this is more lengthy and detailed part of a magazine article when compared to the introductory paragraph of a heading / headline of an article. A well written body keeps a reader engaged to an article for the most part, generally till the end of the article.
b. Captions for Images
- these should be written in a way that they complement the image being used in an article. A caption should described an image and should ideally be placed immediately below the image.
c. Section head / Running head
- every image article does not need a running head, but some do. These are usually placed at the top of every page of a magazine and aid readers in navigating through an article easily.