Sagot :
Assign the values 1.35 to a variable named a? Answer: float a = 1.35
Variable is a container of a value. For example, the value that you need to assign to a variable is 1.35, since variable is user defined, meaning user can choose the name of their variable, you can simple use "a" as a variable name. Then use an assignment operator called = or equals sign to put the value 1.35 to variable a. The assignment operator will be the giver of the value to the variable a. When the program used variable a, it will compute and use the value 1.35.
1.35 is a number with decimal value, therefore, variable a must be declared as float or double variable which supports value with decimal places. For variable with exact value or those that doesn't contain any decimal value, it must be declared as integer or numbers that are whole. These are called data types. Other data types are string, which supports variable which is composed of words and several letters and characters.
To know more about data types, read on the following:
- 10 examples of Data Types? :
- Define the different types of data :