Tell what research method are you going to use for each research titles.
DR (Descriptive)
CR (correlational)
TE (true – experimental)
QE (quasi)

1. Instilling a Sense of Work Responsibility over Students Task Procrastination among Grade – 12 Students
2. A Comparative Study of the Effects of Multimedia and Traditional Techniques in the Study Habits
3. Being a Student - Athlete: How it affected the Academic Performance of Selected students
4. Educational Mass Media: Its Influence on the Learning Acquisition of Grade 12- HUMSS
5. Effects of Positive Student and Teacher Relationships on Students’ Academic Performances
6.Effectiveness of Activity Based Games on Students Achievement in Mathematics
7.The relationship between students’ attendance and performance in Practical Research 2
8. Gender Differences: How it affects the academic performance of students
9. Effects of three different herbs on the treatment of colds in Pasay City
10. Information on Social Media: An evaluation to Students Fact Checking in Sharing Information