J 1. Decorate plain paper and fold the top edge down to create a seam
I 2. Choose a material to work with
H 3. Fold the narrow edge towards the center of the paper to make a tube
G 4. Flip the narrow over so that the back is facing you
F 5. Fold the sides of the bag if you wish to make it a rectangle and open the bag
E 6. Cut some ribbon for handles and add the ribbon handles
D 7. Secure the edge with glue or tape and fold bottom edge up by a few inches
C 8. Open up the pocket created by the fold and flatten it ang fold the top and bottom center tabs towards the center
B 9. Secure the bottom of the bag with tape or glue and punch two holes for the handles on the front and back of the bag
A 10. Cut some ribbon for handles
ANSWERED by : ✔james
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#Brainly student ✔