1. Rays are to sun as are to flower.
A butterflies
B. Petals
C. Sepals
2. Kangaroo is to as frog is to amphibian Amphibian
B. Mammal
C. Reptilian
3 is to heat as impolite is to polite
A. Heater
B. Hotness
C. Pre-heat
4. Solution is to problem as vaccine is to A. Cure B. Dosage
C. Virus
5. Scale is to weigh as is to temperature A. Sterilizers
B. Sphygmometer
C. Thermometer
6. listen : hear - look:
A. feel
B. see
C. Taste
7. doctor: hospital - lawyer
A court
B. museum
C. Restaurant
8. mistake : regret - success
A. achievement
B. Pain
D. Satisfaction
9. phone : talk television
A. hear
B. sleep
C. Watch
10. spoon : soup : fork:
A banana
B. ice cream
C. steak​