Activity Proper: TRUE OR FALSE A. Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Place a T on the line if you think a statement it TRUE. Place an F on the line if you think the statement is FALSE.

1. Hazardous substances and harmful commodities do not enter rivers. 2. Spraying is done in areas where the wind could transport the spray drift to people working or livestock grazing.

3. Employers must take steps to ensure that hazardous substances and dangerous goods do not place their employees.

4. Chemicals are used in excessive amounts.

5. The classification of dangerous items is based on the possibility for immediate physical or chemical damage.

6. Farmers construct temporary and permanent storage facilities to protect equipment and materials.

7. A container does not need to be filled every time it is washed.

8. Employers are not required to notify their employees about hazardous drugs.

9. To avoid unintentional usage, all chemical containers must not be carefully labeled

10. Keep dry materials in bags or packages off the floor and away from walls (about 10-12 inc).​