Write the sol-fa names of the song below based on the given key signature take note that it is in the key of F major ang the hometone "do" is found on the first space​

Write The Solfa Names Of The Song Below Based On The Given Key Signature Take Note That It Is In The Key Of F Major Ang The Hometone Do Is Found On The First Sp class=

Sagot :



measure 1: (mi), do, re

measure 2: mi

measure 3: sol, la, sol

measure 4: mi


measure 1: sol, fa, mi

measure 2: re

measure 3: fa, mi, re

measure 4: do


Key of F Major

In the key of F Major, the home tone "do" is found on the first space (pitch name F). Remember that the name of the key tells the location of the home tone or the tonic or the "do" of the scale. For example, in the key of C major, the "do" is in C.

In the key of F Major, the  so-fa syllable names of each of the lines and spaces of the treble staff are as follows:

1st line - so-fa syllable "ti"

1st space - so-fa syllable "do"

2nd line - so-fa syllable "re"

2nd space - so-fa syllable "mi"

3rd line - so-fa syllable "fa"

3rd space - so-fa syllable "sol

4th line - so-fa syllable "la"

4th space - so-fa syllable "ti", octave higher

5th line - so-fa syllable "do", octave higher

Key of F Major
