1. Being a renowned person, he does not need to give his name in the community know his name to the guards.

A. kind B. famous C. friendly D. wealthy

2. The stone glitters like a star but it is not comparable to a real diamond; it is a quasi diamond.

A. costly B. cheap C. genuine D. almost

3. Do you envisage yourself wearing the most expensive diamond ring on earth?

A. imagine B. justify C. present D. prove

4. Befriend all people around you but shun relating yourself closely with rumor mongers.

A. help C. expect B. avoid D. hesitate

5. Wear something that approximates the gown of Miss Universe or one red dress that looks like orange at first glance.

A. looks damaging to B. popularizes C. appears close to D. advertises

6. Neglecting to consult me about the list of names, your purposive erasure of my name the list needs immediate explanation from you.

A. forceful C. accidental D. careful B. intentional

7. You must be in a good mental condition to be able to conceive the things you want to do as soon possible.

A. shares ideas C. explain well B. form ideas D. write well

8. My vision of Pope Francis, whom I haven't personally met yet, reminds me of one story read about St. Francis of Asisi.

A. wishful attitude B. comic strip C. mental picture D. scary dream

9. Lacking in Vitamin C, you are prone to colds and other respiratory diseases.

A. susceptible B. near C. submitted D. similar

10. Studying hard will ensure you good grades.

A. show B. assure C. give D. record​

Sagot :


1. B

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. A

10. B


hope it helps po.