41. A genre of speculative fiction set in an anecdotal universe regularly propelled by genuine legend and fables. *
A. experimental B. historical C. fantasy D. thriller
42. This type of play involves humor and often confusion, disguise, and mistaken identity which can be quite „dark‟ but the main thing is that the main characters end happily and there are no deaths at the end. *
A. experimental B. historical C. fantasy D. thriller
43. This type of play is based on historical events and characters, often on kings or important figures from Roman history. They often have tragic elements too. *
A. Comedy B. History C. Romance D. Tragedy 44. Which of these is NOT a characteristics of a one-act play? * A. It contains one or more scenes but not several acts. B. It has several acts which may contain several scenes. C. It has single setting and time for only significant event D. It is written in a concise manner, there are no breaks in the action.
45. This play consists only of one act with one or more scenes. *
A. Drama B. Full-length play C. One-Act play D. Play synopsis