ns. D. 72 8. How much part of the wall in question number 1 can Tony paint? A7 C.7 4 B. 71 9. How many bags of rice can be made out of 225 kg of rice if each bag contains kg of rice? A. 400 B. 300 C. 200 D. 303 10. Anm of wood is cut equally into shorter pieces of m each. How many shorter pieces 1 will there be? 10 D4 C. 5 A9 B.6 11. Combine 23.456; 90.354 and 345.1 A.485.91 B.458.91 C. 458.90 D. 456.91 12. Takeaway 45.32 from 890.4568 A.845.3168 B. 854.1368 C. 855.3268 D. 856.1368 13. Before the Enhanced Community Quarantine, the weight of Ana is 56.3kilograms. By staying at home for 1 month her weight becomes 59.5 kg. How much weight did she gain after the ECQ? A 3.3kg B. 3.2 kg C. 3.1 kg D. 3.02 kg​