11. How does the integumentary system work with musculoskeletal system?
A. It distributes blood and nutrients.
B. It breaks down food to be used by the body.
C. The integumentary system controls the muscles.
D. The integumentary picks up oxygen from the lungs and brings them to your muscles and bones.

12. How can the skin protect the muscles?
A. It engulfs the microorganisms.
B. It regulates the movement of the muscles. C. It forms a network of fibers to protect the muscles.
D. Skin is attached to the muscles and serves as protective covering against microorganisms and foreign substances.

13. Which example shows that the integumentary system work with the musculo-skeletal?
A. The hair follicles grow from the skeletal system
B. The skin releases antibodies so that the musculo-skeletal system works well.
C. The skin regulates the absorption of calcium that keeps the bones hard and strong.
D.The integumentary work with the muscles by helping absorb the dietary fats and oil.​