Directions: Write the converse, inverse and contra positive of the following conditional statements.
If you lead, then I will follow.
- Converse: If I will follow, then you will lead.
- Inverse: If you will not lead, then I will not follow.
- Contrapositive: If I will not follow, then you won't lead.
When you are at the party, then you receive a gift.
- Converse: You receive a gift, when you are at the party.
- Inverse: When you are not at the party, then you will not receive a gift.
- Contrapositive: You will not receive a gift, when you are not at the party.
If 3x+4= 11, then x=5.
- Converse: If x=5, then 3x+4= 11
- Inverse: If 3x+4= 11 is wrong, then x=5 is also wrong.
- Contrapositive: If x=5 is wrong, then 3x+4= 11 is also wrong.
If you wear red, then you will look good.
- Converse: If you want to look good, then you will wear red.
- Inverse: If you don't wear red, then you will not loo good.
- Contrapositive: If you don't want to look good, then don't wear red.
Converse – is form by exchanging the hypothesis and the conclusion in the conditional statement. (babaliktarin)
Inverse – is formed by contradicting both the hypothesis and the conclusion (contradict hindi babaliktarin)
Contrapositive – is formed by interchanging the hypothesis and conclusion and then contradicting both. (babaliktarin then contradict)