how we understand math?

Sagot :

- These formulas are the most important things in understanding math, hard or easy, just remember the formula and then you will know how to solve problems.

- Try on surfing the internet, ask websites, what technique can you do to fasten on answering formulas or problems, is there are more easy way to solve this?

- One of the most important thing! Without patience is without knowledge in math, just relax and keep calm and study math. Patience is a virtue.

- Problems are really hard to do if you don't understand it. Me too, I always end up being hesitated and confused if my answers, conclusions, or solution is wrong. Well, if you will not understand the problem, techniques, patience, formulas will be destroyed too. Sometimes you need to control yourself with this, sometimes you make mistakes.

Take it Slowly but Surely
- On making a solution, and after you understand the problem. Try to think of the formula and then try to solve it. Take it slowly, but surely. One mistake will destroy all, then you will repeat again. And then patience is going to disappear, so always control your patience.

Start with Basics.
- When in Algebra, you need to start on recalling other lessons in math, you may use it (the formulas, techniques, etc.) on Algebra, after that you should go back to the legendary multiplication table, fasten yourself in addition and subtraction, division, learn to solve new things. Don't hesitate to try other things.

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