what are the main idea and supporting details of the story in The Bread of Salt by NVM​

Sagot :


1. "The Bread of Salt " By N.V.M Gonzales 1. What is the one generalidea? = The general idea in the story is face the reality because in the last line of the story the author said " the bread was not yet ready " so it means that the bread simbolizes the boy . He was not yet ready to face the real world becausehe was still young to understand life's challenges. One of the example is his dream of being together with Aida and being professional Violinist but would not be happen in the future. He accepts the things that may not be happen but that he did not realize that God has a better plan for him becausehe was still young . 2. Is the main character kinetic: that is, does he or she change during the story? ( If he or she stays the same, we call the characteristic static.) = The main character is Kinetic because he change in the end of the story from his dream to be a professional violinist and his dream to be with the girl named Aida waking up from a long night fantasy . Realizing that not all dreams or loves in life can possibly come true. 3. If the dialogues help you understand the story better why or why not? = The dialogues in the story does not help me to understand the story better because there are deep words that I should research first in webster. Czarina Mae R. Patalod II-BSA September 12, 2015

2. 4. Is the conflict external, that is, betweenone characterand some outside force (nature, society, oranother character), or is the conflict internal, within one character? = The conflict is when his aunt does not supporthim to perform in public or parties because the musician are the last to eat during parties. The conflict is external because is between one character and some outside force like Man vs Society or Man vs Circumstances. 5. What is the climax or the high point of the story? = The climax of the story is when Aida caught him packing some of the food in the party he walked out with shame. He was probably thinking that becauseof what he had done, there is no chance for Aida to like him back. 6. Describe the setting of the story. How would the story be different if the setting were to change? = The first setting of the story is in the Bakeshop then next in schooluntil it went to Aida' house for the party but in the ending of the story is back in the first place where the story start. The time of this story is during the spaniard time in the Philippines. 7. Who is telling the story ? = The one who is telling the story is the unnamed boy, it might be the author.