Read the lessons about East Asian paintings on pages 10-12, 15-17 and19, 20. ENGAGEMENT Note: In Learning Tasks 2 and 3, your performance tasks will be assessed based on the rubrics below. Rubrics 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Creativity and Workmanship Learner’s output is very creative and tidy Learner’s output is good and tidy Learner’s output is fair & has few errors Learner’s output is dull with lots of errors The learner's output could be improved Quality of content In depth presentation pertaining to realistic practice Relevant content of adequate insight demonstrated Standard presentation and content is relevant Bare minimum input has been given The learner's output could be improved Relevance to the lesson The output richly supports the lesson with relevant facts, examples and details Includes relevant facts, examples and details but may not support all aspect of the lesson evenly Includes some facts, examples and details Includes little accurate facts, examples and details Includes no accurate relevant facts, examples and details Following Instructions Easily followed the right pattern Followed right pattern Has trouble in following right pattern Did not followed the right pattern The learner's output could be

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