How Much Have You Learned?
Directions: Read each of the following questions carefully and choose
the letter of the correct answer. Write it in your test notebook,
1. It is keeping meals nutritionally adequate and needs planning and decision-making and
c. Menu
d. Meals
a. Meal pattern
b. meal planning
2. The correct pattern of writing menu which shows the order of serving meals.
a. Meal pattern
b. meal planning
C. Menu
d. Meals
3. It refers to the list of food to be prepared.
a. Meal pattern
b. meal planning
c. Menu d. Meals
4. This refers to the food that have cooked and ready to be served.
a. Meal pattern
b. meal planning
C. Menu
d. Meals
5. The first to be served in a meal and must be light and should stimulate the appetite.
a. Protein dish b. Vegetable dish
C. Appetizer
d. Cereals
It refers to energy giving foods like rice, bread or pasta that is served together with protein
and vegetable dish.
a. Protein dish b. Vegetable dish
C. Appetizer
d. Cereals
The last course to be served and example of this are milk, coffee, juice or may be water.
a. Beverage
b. Vegetable dish
C. Appetizer
This refers to a complete list of foods, goods, and supplies to be bought.
a. Meal pattern
c. Menu
d. Cereals
b. meal planning
Part of the market list that shows the amount or quantity required for each ingredients.
d. Meals
d. Total Cost
a. Quantity
b. Unit
c. Item
Parts of market list provide exact description of the ingredients.
a. Quantity
b. Specification
pa answer