5 precautionary measures BEFORE, DURING and AFTER a tropical cyclone

Sagot :



Check with your local council or your building control authority to see if your home has been built to cyclone standards.

Check that the walls, roof and eaves of your home are secure.

Trim treetops and branches well clear of your home (get council permission).

Preferably fit shutters, or at least metal screens, to all glass areas.

Clear your property of loose material that could blow about and possibly cause injury or damage during extreme winds.

In case of a storm surge/tide warning, or other flooding, know your nearest safe high ground and the safest access route to it.

Prepare an emergency kit containing:

a portable battery radio, torch and spare batteries;

water containers, dried or canned food and a can opener;

matches, fuel lamp, portable stove, cooking gear, eating utensils; and

a first aid kit and manual, masking tape for windows and waterproof bags.

Keep a list of emergency phone numbers on display.

Check neighbours, especially if recent arrivals, to make sure they are prepared.


Don't go outside until officially advised it is safe.

Check for gas leaks. Don't use electric appliances if wet.

Listen to local radio for official warnings and advice.

If you have to evacuate, or did so earlier, don't return until advised. Use a recommended route and don't rush.

Beware of damaged power lines, bridges, buildings, trees, and don't enter floodwaters.

Heed all warnings and don't go sightseeing. Check/help neighbours instead.