ACTIVITY 3. Rearrange the Procedures. Direction: Rearrange the follcaring procedures in their proper order. Use letter (A-I) to indicate their order. A. Installing the Video Card
__1. If you are replacing an old card, pull it up and out of the slot.
__2. Turn oli your PC, unplug it, and remove your computer's case.
__3. If you have internet connection at home you may visit the manu facturer's website to download and install the brest drivers.
__4. With a small screwdriver, remove the screw holding in the old cand ar the metal cover.
__5. If everything's working, put your PC's cover back on.
__6. Lire up the tabs and ratches on the card's bottom with the matches in the slot. Push the card slowly into the slos. __7. Secure the card in the slot with the screw you removed in Step 3. then plug the computer back in, tum ii on and see whether Windows recog NAS and installs the card.
__8. If the video slot has it, bers out the flexible plastic retaining chp that lies over a tab on the end of the video card.
__9. Hold the card by its edges and position it over the correct slot.