Definition: presenting a particular topic clearly, truthfully and saying only what is relevant.
Example: Have you notice the weird weather lately? Is this because of global warming?
Definition: constraining the response/reaction with in a set of categories.
Example: They say that the Philippine economy is getting better. Is that true?
Definition: recognizing when and how to speak because it is one's turn
Example: I agree with the point just made but may I add some? OFW's would rather be home and work here so that they could be with their families.
Definition: Keeping the interaction going by asking questions and eliciting a response.
Example: How often do you came to school late?
Definition: introducing a new topic followed by the continuation of that topic.
Example: Yeah actually you have a point with that. But aren't we going to talk about your vacation next week?
Definition: overcoming communication breakdown to send more comprehensible messages.
Example: Reforestation helps sustain and increase the carbon sequestration potential of our forest.
Definition: using verbal and non-verbal signals to end the interaction.
Example: I gotta do my assignments now, gotta call you later. bye!
ps: It is just based from my answers and understanding only. Hope it helps!
pa brainliest :)