15. There are foundation postures in yoga exercises. a. 7 b. 8 16. You should not perform yoga if you are a. exhaustion, illness, in a hurry b. wearing comfortable and breathable clothes c. relax 17. Why do we need to do yoga exercise? a. to lose weight b. Improve strength, balance and flexibility. c. to become healthy 18. Which is the downward facing dog position? C. a. b. 19. Which is the cat-cow stretch? 1 A b. C. a. 20. Which is the warrior 2? th b. C. a. 21. What are the things that must NOT do after yoga exercise? a. Don't shower or drink water or eat food for 30 minutes. b. Do strenuous exercises. c. Perform yoga even you have injury. 22. Which of the following is important for doing yoga? a. Do yoga while eating b. Do yoga right after eating c. Do yoga on an empty stomach 23. Regular practice of yoga improves your focus and reduces your stress levels b. False 24. Many yoga poses are named after animals/objects found in nature. b. False a. True a. True a. True 25. Regular practice of yoga keeps all of your organs and organs system healthy. b. False 26. What is one of the most important objectives during yoga? a. Correct breathing b. Physical strength c. Flexibility 27. It is important to start every yoga session with relaxation techniques. b. False a. True re body and fun