D. stays the same 9. What consist of a body wave? A. primary and Love waves B. surface and primary waves Csecondary and surface waves D. primary and secondary waves 10. What is the most destructive selamlo wave? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Shear D. Surface 11. Which atatement is correct? A. S waves are alower than P waves. B. P waves are slower than S waves. C. P waves have the same apeed as the S waves. D. It is not possible to record the speed of S and P waves. 12. In which media can primary waves travel? A both liquids and solids B. in liquids but not in solids c. in solide but not in liquids D. neither in solids nor in liquids 13 Which statement is true about P and S waves? A. P waves and S waves are the same B. P waves are the slower waves that arrive second at the seismic station after S waves. C. P waves are the fastest waves that arrive first at the selamnio station before S waves D. P waves are the primary waves that move side to side as they travel from the earthquakes focus