what strategy/trategies you have already used?​

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Plan a structure

You cannot start writing your speech by sitting down at your computer and typing, first you need to have a structure and a plan in place. Define clearly in your head the path you want to follow, usually with an introduction, a main body, a climax and a close. Decide what you are covering and what your audience expects from you. Focus on structuring and simplifying. Remove anything that does not help to get your message across.

Focus on one big idea

Your audience is only going to remember ONE idea so you need to get focused and shape your speech around this one idea. Every sentence you write, will relate directly back to that big idea, that you can repeat during your speech. TED talks famously focus on ‘one idea worth spreading’ and this is why their speeches have so much impact. Figure out what is your one big idea, the one you want to be known for as a speaker and start writing around it. To get help crafting that big idea you can take advantage of a creative tool such as Creating Minds to boost your creativity.

Know your audience

When writing your speech, it is crucial that you ask yourself “To whom am I speaking? What does my audience need from me?”. Your speech is about your audience and all the best speakers are aware of the needs of their audiences. If you know your audience you know how to keep it interested and focused and you will have them coming back for more. Imagine your audience in front of you and use platforms like Calmly Writer and Omm Writer to help you think and write for them.

Plan your call-to-action

Before you start you should define what is the one action you want your audience to take as a result of hearing your speech. This gives meaning to your talk. You must provide the audience with something that solves a problem or impacts their lives in some way.

Find a writing strategy

Finding the best strategy for you to write your speech can be a difficult task. You can write it word-for-word, outline it, start from the bottom, storyboard or experiment other ways. There are several speech-writing tools that can help you with this process such as Speech Mastery and the Big Assignments site.

Keep it short and practice

Your audience will start having a shorter attention span after a few minutes. So if possible you should keep your speech to the point and concise. You can use the Easy Word Count platform, an online word counter perfect to keep a count of your words and characters, to make sure your speech is not too long.

To practice, a good tip is to implement the one-minute rule of thumb where for every one-minute you speak, you spend an hour preparing and practicing. So set aside enough time to practice your presentation.

Test your speech

Once you have written you speech you should get help and ask for feedback. Make sure you proofread it before by taking advantage of Academized or Assignment writer as editing and proofreading tools for your speech. A fresh pair of eyes can help you improve your content, spot what is missing from your presentation, which parts are most powerful and which ones you should let go. You can also try the speech out on camera to check your cadence and posture.

Planning and practice is key! You should not get stuck when writing your speech. Follow these speech writing strategies, practice a lot and you will deliver a memorable and engaging speech.