Sagot :
1. Let's start with the definition of religion: religion is a collection of people's beliefs about some really big questions, like how did the world come to be, how should people behave, and what happens to us after we die? Those are big questions, and they're hard—if not impossible—to answer on our own. People have always tried, and sometimes they've come up with answers, and when those answers harmed people, they've called it religion.People have different religions for the same reason they have different opinions and tastes: they were raised in different ways, in different places, in different families, at different times, and with different brains, all of which have a different impact on what we believe to be true about the world.Religion is also more than just a set of beliefs.It's not simply about God, Gods, Heaven, and Angels.It's all about friendship and camaraderie.It's not just what the professors teach; it's the activities, the people, and the feelings that make your school great and make you feel like you belong there.
That is how religion works.
Some people enjoy their religion because it is familiar to them.
It has a familiar feel about it.A common question among children is, Why can't everyone agree?That would be lot simpler and easier, but it's really difficult to change your thinking, and most people don't want to, when your parents have raised you to believe that certain answers are true and that's the method that makes the most sense to you and makes you feel good. It's actually quite fine that people hold opposing viewpoints.
I believe it has the potential to be beneficial.
If we have a goal, I believe it should be to understand that what matters is not what people believe, but what they do in life.
2.Why should I follow the Pope's orders?Hundreds of war criminals were helped to flee by the Catholic Church at the conclusion of WWII.Even after the Nazis tortured and slaughtered several of its priests and nuns.Millions of others had experienced horrible atrocities.Many of them were assisted and protected by them.My ancestors were devout Catholics.Until my Uncle Jim returned home and told me what he had witnessed firsthand.He stayed after the end of the war as a bodyguard for one of the war crimes tribunal's justices.In our opinion, the Pope and the Catholic Church no longer have the authority to dictate anyone how to live.
3.First and foremost, Catholics do not venerate Mary.We honor Mary because she is Jesus' mother.God honored Mary by choosing her to be the mother of His one and only son.'Hail, Mary, full of grace!' God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary to tell her.You have the Lord's help.Mary, don't be worried; you've found favor with God.'Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, and I will conceive in your womb and have a son, and you shall call him Jesus,' Mary said.'May it be done to me as you have said.' We venerate Mary because she was honored by God.He chose her out of all the women on the planet to be the mother of his child.We look up to Mary as the greatest saint in our church because she answered yes to God and gave birth to baby Jesus, yet she might have said no.While she was betrothed to Joseph, Mary was aware that she could have been stoned to death for being an unwed mother.She was well aware of how Joseph, her parents, and the others of her village would respond, yet she still said yes.That is why we regard her as the spiritual leader of our congregation.God had faith in Mary to love and care for his son, and she did so all the way to the cross.We don't have a photo of Mary to help us remember her. The majority of people have photos of their parents, grandparents, and other forebears, but we have no way of remembering Mary visually.That is why we have Mary statues, which are essentially photos of her.