1. It is a shot that is hit before the ball bounces or hits the court while approaching the net or while at the net; can be forehand, backhand, or half volley. A. volley B. Ground stroke C. serve D. lob 2. A shot done with the stroke below the head about waist-level, the ball travelling up. A. drop Blob C. serve D. volley 3. A shot done with the stroke above the head, the ball travelling down with power and speed. A. drop B. lob C. serve D. smash 4. it is used to hit the ball at the non-dominant side of the body. A. backhand grip B. handshake grip C. forehead D. stroke 5. Is a sports implement consisting of a handled frame with an open hoop across which a network of strings or catgut is stretched tightly. It is used for striking a ball. A. racketB. handshake grip C. Tennis D. Stroke 6. is a net game played on a rectangular court where opponents volley shuttlecock over a net using a racket. A. Volleyball B. Smash C. Badminton D. ping pong 7. Is a game similar in principle to lawn tennis and played on a flat table divided into two equal courts by a net fixed across its width at the middle. A. shake-hands B. pen-hold grip C. Table tennis D. Receive 8. is a stroke to reply to a serve. A. clear B. pen-hold grip C. serve D. Receive 9. a short stroke wherein the racket is moved in a slight horizontal plane, striking the ball on the bottom portion of the racket. A. clear B.serve C. Push D. Drive 10. a stroke wherein the racket is moved forward and upwards at an angle, striking the ball to impart topspin. A. clear B. serve C. Push D. Drive 11. a stroke wherein the rocket is positioned slightly vertical, striking the ball on the bottom portion of the racket making the ball travel straight A. block B.serve C. Push D. Drive 12. a stroke that starts a rally; can be either done in the forehand or back hand side. B. serve A. clear C. Push D. Drive LCALTH ASCO 1 TH​