9. It is very important to take Vitamin C to boost our immune system. A strong immune system can protect us from bacteria and viruses. It also keeps the body healthy and fit. What is the purpose of the author in writing these statements? A. to criticize B. to entertain C. topersuade
10. What does reading a news article provide the readers? A. entertainment B. gossip C. information
11. A text structure that simply describes something is a A. description B. cause and effect C. comparison and contrast
12. A text structure that has two parts: the author identifies the problem and then details solutions to the problem. A. cause and effect B. compare and contrast C.problem and solution
13.A text structure that covers a few purposes such as sequential instructions and chronological events and arguments is a A. sequence B. description C. problem and solution
14. I have two dogs. Both of them have the same color but of different breeds. The text structure of these statements is A. sequence B. cause and effect C. compare and contrast
15. Jose never fails to end the school year with flying colors because of his diligence and dedication towards his studies. The text structure of these statements is A. cause and effect B. compare and contrast C. problem and solution​