* Veek 3: Activity 5 dentify the following sentences and be able to place them in their proper placement: 1. The bag was placed on the table by my classmate. 2. Lyra creates an email account for her online classes. 3. Online and modular classes will start on Sept. 5, 2020. 4. Some patients had recovered from covid 19. 5. Activity sheets will be distributed and collected by the teachers every week. 6. Parents had shown their sentiments regarding online learning. Passive Voice Tenses Active Voice Present Tense Present Perfect Past Tense Past Perfect Future Tense​

Sagot :


Present Tense

ACTIVE: Lyra creates an email account for her online classes.

PASSIVE: Lyra created for her online classess an email account.

Present Perfect

ACTIVE: Parents have shown their sentiments regarding online and modular classes.

PASSIVE: Their sentiments regarding online and modular classes has shown by parents.

Past Tens ACTIVE:My classmate placed a bag on the table.

PASSIVE: The bag was placed on the table by my classmate.

Past Perfect

ACTIVE: Some Patients have recovered from covid-19.

PASSIVE: Recoveries from covid-19 are some.

Future Tense

ACTIVE: Online and modular classes will start on Sept. 5, 2020.

PASSIVE: Answers sheets will be distributed and collected weekly.

