Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement
is wrong.
_______1. Role playing can be used by the planning team to widen
perceptions, compare options, and prepare for comments by the
real personalities.
_______2.Creativity, increased acceptance and understanding of
plans, and commitment to the success of plans are the positive results in scenario planning.
_______3. Decision-making Process according to Robbins and
Coulter begins with evaluation of implemented solutions and ends
with the problem identification.
_______4. Structured or programmed decision is applied to the
resolution of problems that are new or unusual, and for which information is incomplete.
_______5. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that consists
of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a business and the
threats and opportunities that the business is facing.
_______6. Market research is a critical strategic planning tool because insights into the needs of customers can help managers create a mission, goals and strategies that better fulfil those needs.
_______7. A feasibility analysis can help managers and entrepreneurs in the planning stages of launching a company project and
eventually decide whether to pursue a certain opportunity or not.
_______8. Certainty conditions are situations in which a manager
can make precise decisions because the results of all alternatives
are known.
_______9. Develop alternatives is one of the steps in decision making process that requires the decision maker to list down possi
ble alternatives that could help resolve the identified problem.
_______10. Planning is a choice among possible alternative ac
tions. _______11. The main purpose of benchmarking is to find out what
other people and organizations do well and then plan how to incorporate these practices into company’s operations.
_______12. Encouraging all employees working in their different
work units to learn and improve by sharing one another’s best practices is known as external benchmarking.
_______13. Forecasts are predictions and may be inaccurate, at
times, due to errors of human judgment.
_______14. Environmental pollution, human rights violations, climate and weather changes, and earthquake damages to communities are examples of future scenarios
_______15. In force-field analysis options presented will rank, the
one most frequently appearing are normally the choice the manager
has to take.
_______16. Role playing can be used by the planning team to widen perceptions, compare options, and prepare for comments by the real personalities.