what are the organs found in the illustration and what are the function of each organ?

The heart is a strong organ in many creatures, which siphons blood through the veins of the circulatory framework. The siphoned blood conveys oxygen and supplements to the body, while conveying metabolic waste like carbon dioxide to the lungs. In people, the heart is roughly the size of a shut clench hand and is situated between the lungs, in the center compartment of the chest.
These create a current that causes compression of the heart, going through the atrioventricular hub and along the conduction arrangement of the heart. The heart gets blood low in oxygen from the foundational dissemination, which enters the right chamber from the prevalent and sub-par venae cavae and passes to the right ventricle. The heart thumps at a resting rate near 72 pulsates each moment. Practice briefly builds the rate, however brings down resting heart rate in the long haul, and is useful for heart wellbeing.
if function of heart is to pump blood in the body .what is the function of heart in love?