how calculate division with decimal point

Sagot :

Example : if your divisor is 2.5 and your dividend is 50 .
-- first, move the decimal point to the right. (2.5 ( one places) to become a whole number (25) as usual, move the decimal point of your dividend , similar number of places (one places) (50 become 500).
-- then start dividing ( 500 ÷ 25 = 20 )
the final answer is 20.
.. what if your dividend is a decimal number .example : if your divisor is 25 and your dividend is 50.25 , .. just ignore the decimal point then proceed. If you'll get the resulting quotient . And put the decimal point in the same place as the dividend. Example : 50.25 ÷ 25 is just simply equal to 2.01.