1. Commutative Property (Method)
- A method in addition or multiplication that copies the alternate of the numbers.
Example #1:
59 472 429 + 18 373 = 18 373 + 59 472 429
Example #2:
679 x 428 = 428 x 679
2. Associative Property (Method)
- A method in addition and multiplication that includes a parenthesis and has 3 numbers used and has the same technique as the commutative but the parenthesis has something different.
Example #1:
34 238 + (23 193 + 19 371) = (34 238 + 23 193) + 19 371
Example #2:
23 x (129 x 127) = (23 x 129) x 127
3. Identity Property (Method)
* The addition and multiplication edition of an identity property is different.
A. Addition Edition
- When a number is added by 0.
Example #1:
384 382 371 + 0
B. Multiplication Edition
- When a number is multiplied by 1.
Example #2:
47 x 1
4. Zero Property (Method)
* This property is only for multiplication.
- A method of multiplication that is multiplied by 0.
Example #1:
34 x 0
5. Distributive Property (Method)
- This method of addition and multiplication also includes subtraction and division.
Example #1:
4 + 198 (45 - 12) + 476 372
Example #2:
(33-11) x 2 / 22