Pa help po pls

1.The process used to separate slightly larger particles from a mixture by hand. *

a. sifting

b. sieving

c. winnowing

d. handpicking

2.. It is the method in which heavier components of the mixture are separated from the lighter substances with the help of wind. *

a. winnowing

b. sieving


d. handpicking

3. It is separating bigger dry mixtures such as sand and gravel. *

a. sieving



d. winnowing

4.It is pouring away a liquid from solid impurities which have settled at the bottom of the container. *



c. filtration


5. It is the process by which a liquid turns into a gas. *


b. decantation


d. filtration

6. The process of separating solid particles from a liquid by passing through a filter or pores of filter paper. *


b. decantation

c. evaporation


7. A process in which magnetically susceptible material is extracted from a mixture using magnetic fiorce *


b. decantation

c. magnetism

d. evaporation

8. The process of particles settling to the bottom of a body of water *

a. sedimentation

b. decantation

c. evaporation

d. filtration

9. The process of separating grain from chaff using a thresher. *

a. winnowing

b. threshing

c. sifting

d. sieving

10. The process of heating water to form water vapours or steam, and then cooling the hot water vapours to get back liquid water water. *

a. sedimentation

b. decantation

c. distillation

d. evaporation