Escobersandrei5viz Escobersandrei5viz English Answered 1.The "ed" form of a regular verb expresses action that took place at a definite ______ time. momentfuturepresentpast2.Kevin came early _______ he could talk to you. whileso thatuntilas if3. The "ing" form of a regular verb expresses action that took place at a definite ______ time. pastfuturepresentmoment4. ________ pronouns point definitely to persons or things referred to. demonstrativerelativepersonalindefinite5. There are 3 genders of Personal pronouns. They are masculine, feminine and _______. *first personsuperlativecomparativeneuter6.______ is a part of speech that shows surprise or strong feeling. adjectiveadverbsconjunctioninterjection7. Identify the voice of the verb used in this sentence. ADRIAN TYPED THE LETTER. *activepassive8.After a book is written, it passes through workers. Each worker works carefully, for there ___ not be a mistake. *couldhast tomustcouldn't9.After the football game, the field was a scene of total chaos. Chaos means.. confusioncomprehensionsportscelebration10.To "kick around" means to _____. look for somethinghidetreat badly11.To "kick the bucket" means to _____. *get marrieddiehave a babyget drunk12. The Turners are looking for a cabin in the woods where they won’t be accessible to their relatives. Accessible means.. approachableprobableacceptablereachable