Sagot :
Division of Fractions
Fractions represent parts of a whole. It has two parts, the numerator and the denominator and it is written in a/b. The numerator a indicates how many parts are taken and the denominator b is the number of equal parts there are in a whole.
Let us now give the fractions, model the fractions and solve or simplify.
1) 3 divide 12 = 3⁄12 = 1⁄4
- 3⁄12
- Draw a figure and divide it by 12. Color 3 parts of it.
- Simplify it by dividing the numerator and denominator by their GCF: 3⁄12 ÷ 3⁄3 = 1⁄4.
2) 6 divide 10 = 6⁄10 = 3⁄5
- 6⁄10
- Draw a figure and divide it by 10. Color 6 parts of it.
- Simplify: 6⁄10 ÷ 2⁄2 = 3⁄5
3) 7 divide 14 = 7⁄14 = 1⁄2
- 7⁄14
- Draw a figure and divide it by 14. Color 7 parts of it.
- Simplify: 7⁄14 ÷ 7⁄7 = 1⁄2
4) 10 divide 12 = 10⁄12 = 5⁄6
- 10⁄12
- Draw a figure and divide it by 12. Color 10 parts of it.
- Simplify: 10⁄12 ÷ 2⁄2 = 5⁄6
5) 2 divide 4 = 2⁄4 = 1⁄2
- 2⁄4
- Draw a figure and divide it by 4. Color 2 parts of it.
- Simplify: 2⁄4 ÷ 2⁄2 = 1⁄2
6) 4 divide 16 = 4⁄16 = 1⁄4
- 4⁄16
- Draw a figure and divide it by 16. Color 4 parts of it.
- Simplify: 4⁄16 ÷ 4⁄4 = 1⁄4
7) 3 divide 24 = 3⁄24 = 1⁄8
- 3⁄24
- Draw a figure and divide it by 24. Color 3 parts of it.
- Simplify: 3⁄24 ÷ 3⁄3 = 1⁄8
8) 18 divide 54 = 18⁄54 = 1⁄3
- 18/54
- Draw a figure and divide it by 54. Color 18 parts of it.
- Simplify: 18⁄54 ÷ 18⁄18 = 1⁄3
To learn how to find the GCF of numbers, visit the links: