VEDER A 3 Cenneet li to Art Datas Create a poster to illustrate your plan of action to attain bolistio health. Use any medium yor may want such as cravon, water color, oil pastel, ete You can use cartolina, illustration board, or any otb appropriate metenal Ralnes for Poster Making 4- Excellent 2-Average 3 Above Average Creativity The artwork demonstrates an extremely unique personal expression The artwork demonstrates a unique personal expression The artwork is limited in demonstrating personal expression 1 Below Average The artwork lacks personal expression Originality The artwork demonstrates unique expression of the theme The artwork demonstrates a somewhat unique expression of the theme The artwork is

limited in demonstrating unique expression of the theme The artwort lacks & unique expression of the theme a Neatness The artwork is very attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness The artwork is attractive in terms of design,

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