What is medieval music?​

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Medieval Music

When it comes to Western music, Medieval music is one of the earliest music that the world is familiar with. Medieval music pertains to the music written after the fall of the Roman empire during the Middle Ages up until about the mid-1400s when the Renaissance period begins.


Considering that the church and the royalty were the usual patrons of music at this time, it was easy to segregate medieval music into sacred and secular music. Sacred music pertains to music that was used within the realms of religion, more specifically, the Roman Catholic church which was a massive force during the medieval period. Secular music pertained to all the music that was not sung within the contains of the church.


Monody or Monophonic Music meaning one sound or single line melodies

Plainsong or plainchant is a monophonic

consisting of one or unaccompanied single melody.

Gregorian Chant- a monophonic or unison, liturgical music in Roman Catholic Church. Lute-one of the early musical instrument Later Middle Ages it gradually yielded to polyphon.y