C. DIRECTION: Arrange in chronological order by using letters A to O BP Apparatus Mercurial 1. Introduce yourself and let the patient or dient know the procedure to be done. 2. Sanitize the earpieces of the stethoscope with an antiseptic pad. 3. If you are using a mercurial apparatus, measuring scale should be within the eye level 4. Ask your client to lie down or sit on the chair whichever is more comfortable. S. Expose the arm of your client by rolling the sleeves up and elbow at rest, 6. Unroll the cuff, loosen the screw and squeeze the cuff with your hands to remove air completely 7. Wrap the cuff around your client's arm above the elbow, not too tight or too loose. 8. Place the stethoscope's earpieces into your ears and place the diaphragm on the brachial pulse. 9. Find your client's brachial pulse at the inside of the elbow. 10. Tum the screw to close it and inflate the cuff until 30 mm. 11. Wipe the earpieces of the stethoscope with cotton and alcohol to clean it. 12. Deflate the cuff and remove it from your client's arm. 13. You have to continue releasing the air from the cuff. Take note of the sound softer, faster and disappear. Take note this is the diastolic pressure. 14. Turn the screw to open it. Let the air escape slowly, take note of the pulse sound coming back as you hear the first sound it indicates systolic pressure. 15. Return the stethoscope to its storage. ​