Activity 5: DRINK MODERATELY Alcoholic beverages like wines and liquors are solutions containing ethyl alcohol as the active ingredient. They are expressed in percent by volume. Directions: Answer the given questions using the given table.
Sample Concentration of Alcoholic Beverages Sample Concentration Of alcoholic Beverages 1. 15 % 2. 38% 3. 5% 4. 40%
1. Which sample has the highest alcohol content?
2. Which sample has the least alcohol content?
3. If a person consumes 150 ml of sample 4, how much ethyl alcohol did he consume?
4. If person A drinks 300 ml of sample 3 and person B drinks 180 ml of sample 2, which person consumes more alcohol?
5. No because it leads not only to confusion and being drunk but also to addiction, blood infections, heart diseases, stroke, kindey failure and gouts or skin swolling