12. The practical uses of philosophy in our lives are A Enables us to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems. B. Improves problem-solving and decision-making skills. C. Helps us to gain wisdom. D. Contributes to our self-development 13. The etymological meaning of philosophy leads us to the true meaning of "pilosopo" as ROT A. someone who asks questions because of a genuine desire to know and to view things in a different way B. someone who asks questions due to real confusion, astonishment and wonder C. someone who asks questions from an honest admission that he does not know. D. someone who asks personal questions because they deeply touch on his understanding of the meaning of life 14. Water's boiling point remains 100°C and will remain so even if a powerful tyrant wants to change it. This truth is covered by the domain of truth. A. objective B. social C. personal D. subjective 15. Which statement shows scientific/objective domain of truth? A. I think, therefore, I am. B. In sickness and in health, 'til death do us part. C. Don't talk when your mouth is full. D. Reptiles are cold blooded.​