D Learning Task 3: With the assistance of your family members, read the procedures below. Perform what is being asked in each task, Materials needed Procedure Observation Technique in Obarve what hap separating moures pyn? Wet rug I cup of water 1. Mix the water and 1/2 cup of sand, the sond. cheesecloth 2 2. Pass the mixture container through a chere cloth 1 Scrub the table Wooden table using a wet cloth оr rug 2. Observe what happened to the moist on table after 3 to 5 minutes 3 tablespoon of pics 1. Mix 3 tablespoon of gain, 4 tablespoon nce gains and 4 of four, plate, tablespoon of four container sieve/ in a plate strainer 2. Sif /sieve the mix- ture 1 cup of sand, 3 1. Mix 1 cup of sand cups of water to 3 cups of water in small container a contact 2. Pour the water from the glass. Nails, coin, small 1. Mix the nail, coins rocks, magnet and small rocks. 2. Use of magnet to separate the mixture Guide Questions: 1. What are the techniques in separating mixtures? 2. What are czaroples of mixtures that can be separated through decanta. tion, filtration, sieving, evaporation and using magnet?