II. Directions: Skim the articles below and identify the headlines of each article. Choose your answer below the articles Marian Rivera penonally handed e have to have a ILAGAN CITY, Isabe over to the GMA Kapuso Foundation "Y dream, whether big or The Bamband or Scare (GMAKF) the proceeds from the Celeb small. Then plan, focus, Festival of this province ritu Ubay-Way to help fund GMAKPS orx hard and be very deter eamed a spot in the Guinn projects for children mined to achieve your goals." World Records for the lamp Marian, who was one of the ambas Those were Henry Sy Sr's sadors for the 2018 GMA Celebrity Ukay, words which, in a nutshell, number of scarecrow danis Ukay, sold her pre loved items at her summarize his remarkable suc- last Friday night. own booth at the Noel Bazaar last cess story that had its beginning Paulina Sapinska, official December when as a 12-year-old boy, he judicator and representative GMAKF founder and ambassador arnved in the Philippines with nothing but the shirt Guinness, announced that Mel Tiangco said of Manan's gesture on his back and 10 centavos in his pocket armed Bambant Festival hit the wo "I was amazed that she would take the with a strong resolve to become a businessman record for biggest number effort to do that for the foundation to in order to make a better life for himself and his dancers wearing scare come and join us in this journey, in this family. This was his aspiration as a child in Funan fight to alleviate poverty." province in south China. costumes in a single verrue 5. 6. pinos spend a four hours of the Health Secretary Francisco On Jan 22, Duque signed the mental health needs and day on social media starily making the Duque III yesterday underscored implementing rules and regula health professionals, in Philpones the worlds soal media capital the need to educate the youth tons (IRR) of Republic Act 110 psychiatric scho-soc While social media giant and to rule a new about mental health or the Mental Health Act, which neurological services in ed on the blodtwowy charming Pinoys is According to Duque, mental provides basic mental health provincial and tertiary h cale Ta Tok health should be included in services down to the community improves mental health Thick the go-to detination for creding and the education department's cur kevel by training barangay health cihees as well as promote health education in sch riculum lo remove the sugma workers to handle such cases shanng shonform video com has been on people with mental health The IRR stipulates that neces- workplaces lavorne ao among Promo ueaton Halled as conditions. sary assistance should be provided Duque said stigma one of the most dannoaded as in the world in "Il begins with education. The to people with mental health con- crimination are blocking early 2018, has been home to the videos students should know that it is not ditions and their families to improve the condition o Joo Su Mane John Arcilla Maymay Entrola a hopeless case," he said in a radio The law also secures the rights with mental health prob Edward Barber Bela Padilla and Maine Mendoza interview. and wellare of persons with - Sheila C 4.​