thing that represents you (essay)
We can easily judge a book based on its cover or appearance. We commonly picked a book that looks interesting to us and leave those that looks boring to read. This is like some people judge me. People will not able to know my real character if they didn’t have time spent with me, just like how people ignore a book that is not pleasing for them without even opening and reading it.
If someone tries to know me better and hear my story, they would see my real beauty and understand my real situation. Every book has its own story and every page of the book has an impact to the story. If one of the pages teared off and some parts of the story are gone, we are not be able to fully understand what happen to the story. Just like how people easily tell something about you without knowing every important detail about you. They can say that they understand your situation but the truth is not.
So, whenever we are about to meet a person that we didn’t know yet, don’t easily judge them and says any bad comments about them because we didn’t know what he/she is going through. Be kind and spread positive vibe!